Shaker Cinder

Shaker Cinder

Shaker Cinder

Wolf Classic cabinets are offered in ADA-Compliant and Universal Design specifications for kitchen-at-a-time orders.
Available in all standard door styles and colors.Wolf’s ADA and Universal Design cabinets are special order only and require a longer lead time to deliver
What is ADA Compliance vs. Universal Design?
ADA-compliant cabinets are designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities per the Americans with Disabilities Act. Wolf Classic offers ADA-compliant cabinetry with a reduced height and a taller and deeper toekick. However, it is important to note that just because ADA-compliant cabinetry is used, your design/project does not automatically become ADA compliant. ADA compliance is based on the overall height of the workspace, clear floor space, knee clearance and toe clearance combined. All of these elements must be applied together and accurately for your design to be considered ADA compliant.
Universal Design, also known as Aging in Place Design, is a much broader concept. The goal is to create an environment that is usable, to the greatest extent possible, by people of any age or ability without the need for a special design or adaptation. In order be considered UD, your design must consider the space needed for approach, reach, manipulation and overall use regardless of the user’s body size, posture or mobility.
Both of these design styles are concerned with addressing the needs of users beyond those considered to be ‘‘average’’ or ‘‘typical’’.
ADA Cabinets: Local codes may differ. Please confirm specifications with local code enforcement agencies prior to ordering. These items are non-returnable.